Direct booking at agency - IATA Broker / Ticketing House
International and Domestic flights - Travel the world with us at the best price
Booking Hotels & Bungalows
Flight confirmations - Air tickets Best Deals
Changing of travel dates
Limousine service (TV, Wifi Fridge, Newspapers, full comfort) Benz Class E/S/V & BMW Series 5 & 7
Taxis & transportation
Tours (Inbound & Outbound) Tour Operator Licence n° 13/01405 by TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand)
Multilingals Tour guides
Boat to islands
& more others travel services, Please contact us 24/24h 7/7.
DT Consultant & Travel Agency is more than a travel agency : quality of offered services and full partnership in all domains of your travel and journey. 30 years of experience in travel services, a strong knowledge of life in Thailand are proposed to realize the best travel.
We are IATA agent since 1988 and we are also IATA Brooker.
More infos & certifications on 'Certifications & Distinctions' page.